Participant Information

Dear NRI PIs,

Given that there are so many of us, we are going to try an alternative to a barrage of short talks. The plan is to have short (2-minute) talks, long (7-minute) talks, and posters.

A reminder of terminology: A collaborative effort is a single "project" consisting of multiple "awards".

  • - New projects: Each project with a start date after 10/10/16 will give one short talk.
  • - Final-year projects: Each project with a nominal end date between 10/10/17 and 10/10/18 will give one long talk.
  • - Posters: Each award that is not giving a talk will present a poster; this includes non-lead collaborators of projects that are giving talks.
  • - Optional posters: Any award that is giving a talk or that has a nominal end date before 10/10/17 (i.e., is in no-cost extension at the time of the meeting) may choose to present a poster.

All presentation materials - for Short Talks, Long Talks, and Posters - should please be uploaded to our online archive before the meeting. Here's the link for your PDF files :


  • SHORT (2-minute) talks and LONG (7-minute) talks will be presented from your own laptops.
  • No electronic submission of the presentation is necessary.
  • If you have embedded video or are unsure if your laptop will connect with the hotel presentation system (which should have HDMI, VGA, mini-displayport) please check before your session during one of the breaks.
  • We will have four poster sessions.
  • Each poster presenter will be alloted a 4'x4' space on a shared 4' high by 8' wide free-standing, double-sided easel stand. (That's 2 posters per side, 4 posters per easel stand.)
  • You should bring your hard copy poster with you, as we cannot print your poster for you.
  • You may choose to print a 36" x 48" poster in landscape or portrait orientation; you may choose to print a 37.5" x 12" poster in either mode; you may choose to print whatever size or orientation poster you think best displays your project.
  • You may hang / pin-up your poster in the morning or afternooon directly before your scheduled poster session.
  • You should remove your poster after your scheduled poster session. (The same poster stands will be used for all four sessions across both days.)
  • You should not bring something that exceeds the 4 foot square of vertical space alloted to you.
  • You should not install something that will damage the easel stand or display so as to render it unusable for the next poster session, please.

We have posted a draft schedule here:

Note that we are listing the PI's in the schedule, for each award; we understand that in some cases, a different project team member may be giving the presentation, but we don't plan to reflect those substitutions in this schedule.

We believe we have taken into account all of the scheduling constraints received so far. Please let us know (via email to nri2017 _"at"_ whether

  • - it is impossible for you (or your designated project member) to present in your assigned slot
  • - you fall into the optional poster category and would like to present a poster
See you soon!
NRI meeting organizers

These are the active registrations as of 7 November 2017 @ 1300:
Colette Abah, Vanderbilt University
MD RAYHAN AFSAR, The University of Alabama
Sunil Agrawal, Columbia University
Konrad Ahlin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Reza Ahmadzadeh, Georgia Institute of Technology
Kaveh Akbari Hamed, San Diego State University
Kostas Alexis, University of Nevada, Reno
Peter Allen, Columbia University
Abeer Alwan, UCLA
Chris Amato, Northeastern University
aaron Ames, Caltech
Harry Asada, MIT
Alan Asbeck, Virginia Tech
Christopher Atkeson, CMU Robotics Institute
Radhakisan 'Kishan' Baheti, NSF
Maria Bauza Villalonga, MIT
Kostas Bekris, Rutgers University
Dmitry Berenson, University of Michigan
Jordan Berg, NSF
Sara Berndt, Harvard University
Sourabh Bhattacharya, Iowa State University
Elin Björling, University of Washington
Byron Boots, Georgia Institute of Technology
Abdeslam Boularias, Rutgers
Bryt Bradley, MIT
Justin Bradley, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Tye Brady, Amazon Robotics
Katie Byl, UCSB
Maya Cakmak, University of Washington
David Cappelleri, Purdue University
Stefano Carpin, University of California, Merced
M. Cenk Cavusoglu, Case Western Reserve University
Suman Chakravorty, Texas A&M University
Preetham Chalasani, Johns Hopkins University
Young-Hui Chang, Georgia Insitute of Technology
Sung Kwon Cho, University of Pittsburgh
Girish Chowdhary, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Wendell Chun, University of Colorado Denver
Matei Ciocarlie, Columbia University
Steve Collins, Stanford University
Jose L Contreras-Vidal, University of Houston
Clark V. Cooper, National Science Foundation
Jason Corso, University of Michigan
Missy Cummings, Duke
Mark Cutkosky, Stanford University
Jnaneshwar Das, University of Pennsylvania
Marie desJardins, UMBC
Carrick Detweiler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Mandar Dixit, UC San Diego
Paul Dixon, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Irina Dolinskaya, NSF
Aaron Dollar, Yale University
Brittany Duncan, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Eric Earley, Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska
Irfan Essa, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jonathan Fan, Stanford University
Nima Fazeli, MIT
Ronald Fearing, UC Berkeley
Gregory Fischer, WPI
Naomi Fitter, University of Southern California
Daniel Flippo, Kansas State University
William Ford, US DOJ / NIJ
Dieter Fox, University of Washington
Joseph Francis , University of Houston
Eric Frew, University of Colorado
Lucia Gan, Stanford University
George Georgiakis, George Mason University
Hartmut Geyer, Carnegie Mellon University
Ken Goldberg, UC Berkeley
Daniel Goldman, Georgia Tech
Robert Gregg, University of Texas at Dallas
Jessy Grizzle, Univ Michigan
Yu Gu, West Virginia University
Erico Guizzo, IEEE Spectrum
Yi Guo, Stevens Institute of Technology
David Han, ONR
Nicolai Hani, University of Minnesota
Md Rejwanul Haque, The University of Alabama
Kris Hauser, Duke University
Elliot Hawkes, UCSB/Stanford
Haibo He, University of Rhode Island
Philip Heermann, Sandia National Laboratories
Max Herman, Harvard
Jill Higginson, University of Delaware
Robert Hinson, NC State University
Jesse Hoagg, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kentucky
Guy Hoffman, Cornell University
Francois Hogan, MIT
Neville Hogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Geoffrey Hollinger, Oregon State University
Adam Houston, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Naira Hovakimyan, UIUC
Thomas Howard, University of Rochester
Robert Howe, Harvard University
Ai-Ping Hu, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Xiaogang Hu, UNC Chapel Hill
Helen (He) Huang, NC State University and UNC at Chapel Hill
Volkan Isler, University of Minnesota
Chad Jenkins, University of Michigan
Yan-Bin Jia, Iowa State University
Mathieu Joerger, University of Arizona
Leslie Kaelbling, MIT
Michael Kaess, Carnegie Mellon University
Behzad Kamgar-Parsi, ONR
Cecilia Kang, New York Times
Lydia Kavraki, Rice University
Peter Kazanzides, Johns Hopkins University
Samee Khan, NSF
Charles Kim, Bucknell University
Joo H. Kim, New York University
Zsolt Kira, Georgia Tech
Kris Kitani, Carnegie Mellon University
Marin Kobilarov, Johns Hopkins University
Tatiana Korelsky, National Science Foundation
Mike Krieg, University of Florida
Eric Kriikku, Savannah River National Lab
Steven Krosnick, MD, NIH
Yasuo Kuga, University of Washington
Joydip Kundu, National Science Foundation
James Kurose, National Science Foundation
Amy LaViers, UIUC
Joseph LaViola, University of Central Florida
SangHyun Lee, University of Michigan
Nancey Green Leigh, Georgia Tech, College of Design
Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley
Changying Li, University of Georgia
Yangming Li, University of Washington
Yao Li, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Hod Lipson, Columbia University
Changliu Liu, University of California, Berkeley
Wenxin Liu, University of Pennsylvania
Christian Lopez, The Pennsylvania State University
Tomás Lozano-Pérez, MIT
Nina Mahmoudian, Michigan Tech
Thiago Marinho, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Stephen Mascaro, University of Utah
Matthew Mason, CMU
Maja Mataric, University of Southern California
Matt McFarland, CNN Tech
Sanford Meek, University of Utah
Rick Minichan , Savannah River National Lab
Raymond Mooney, Univ. of Texas at Austin
Mieke Moran, MIT
Philippos Mordohai, Stevens Institute of Technology
Anastasios Mourikis, UC Riverside
Todd Murphey, Northwestern University
Hala Nassar, Clemson University
Scott Niekum, University of Texas at austin
Stefanos Nikolaidis, Carnegie Mellon University
Gina Olson, Oregon State University
Marcie O'Malley, Rice University
Andrew Orekhov, Vanderbilt University
Taskin Padir, Northeastern University
Nikos Papanikolopoulos, CSE, Univ. of Minnesota
Chung Hyuk Park, George Washington University
Hae Won Park, MIT
chris paxton, jhu
Qibing Pei, University of California, Los Angeles
Nestor Perez-Arancibia, USC
Michael Pettinati, Georgia Institute of Technology
Brett Piekarski, Army Research Laboratory
Nancy Pollard, Carnegie Mellon University
Dario Pompili, Rutgers University
Heather Pon-Barry, Mount Holyoke College
Dan Popa, University of Louisville
Zania Pothen, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Alberto Quattrini Li, University of south carolina
Glen Rains, University of Georgia
Daniel Rakita, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Muhammad Asif Rana, Georgia Institute of Technology
Arun Srivatsan Rangaprasad, Carnegie Mellon University
Ioannis Rekleitis, University of South Carolina
Paul Reverdy, University of Pennsylvania
Laurel Riek, University of California San Diego
Rodrigo Rimando, DOE
Alberto Rodriguez, MIT
Stergios Roumeliotis, University of Minnesota
Elliott Rouse, University of Michigan
Nick Roy, MIT
Caleb Rucker, University of Tennessee
Daniela Rus, MIT
Gregory Sawicki, GaTech
Robert Scheidt, NSF CMMI M3X
Sebastian Scherer, Carnegie Mellon University
Matthias Scheutz, Tufts University
David Schmale, Virginia Tech
Jim Schmiedeler, University of Notre Dame
Luis Sentis, The University of Texas at Austin
Fabrizio Sergi, University of Delaware
Brual Shah, University of Southern California
Nitin Sharma, University of Pittsburgh
Xiangrong Shen, The University of Alabama
Weihua Sheng, Oklahoma State University
Thomas Shipley, Temple University
Elaine Short, University of Texas at Austin
Nabil Simaan, Vanderbilt University
Reid Simmons, National Science Foundation
Jeffrey Siskind, Purdue University
Bill Smart, Oregon State University
Don Sofge, NRL
Dezhen Song, Texas A&M University
Matthew Spenko, Illinois Institute of Technology
Koushil Sreenath, UC Berkeley
Vaibhav Srivastava, Michigan State University
Aaron Steinfeld, Carnegie Mellon University
Dagmar Sternad, Northeastern University
Leia Stirling, MIT
Haijun Su, The Ohio State University
Yu Sun, University of South Florida
Frank Sup, University of Massachusetts Amherst
John Swensen, Washington State University
Yang Tao, University of Maryland
Lydia Tapia, University of New Mexico
Matthew Taylor, Washington State University
Russell Taylor, Johns Hopkins University
Josh Tenenbaum, MIT
Dinesh Thakur, University of Pennsylvania
David Thompson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Steven Thomson, USDA
Pratap Tokekar, Virginia Tech
Masayoshi Tomizuka, University of California, Berkeley
Roberto Tron, Boston University
Panagiotis Tsiotras, Georgia Tech
Conrad Tucker, Penn State University
Nuno Vasconcelos, UCSD
Karl von Ellenrieder, Florida Atlantic University
Stavros Vougioukas, University of California, Davis
Ralph Wachter, NSF
Howard Wactlar, National Science Foundation
Conor Walsh, Harvard University
Matthew Walter, TTI-Chicago
Xiaofeng Wang, University of South Carolina
Christopher Weiss, Texas Tech University
David Wettergreen, Carnegie Mellon University
Jason Wheeler, Sandia National Laboratories
Red Whittaker, Carnegie Mellon University
John Winder, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lawson Wong, Brown University
Jie Ying Wu, Johns Hopkins University
Xuesu Xiao, Texas A&M
Zhixin (Jason) Xie, UCLA
Yunjun Xu, University of Central Florida
Holly Yanco, UMass Lowell
Jie Yang, NSF
Cang Ye, Virginia Commonwealth University
Jingang Yi, Rutgers University
Hyung-Jin Yoon, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Mohammed Yousuf, fhwa
Jingjin Yu, Rutgers University
Kaiyan Yu, Rutgers University
Peter KT Yu, MIT mCube Lab
Ruoshi Zhang, University of Louisville
Boxuan Zhong, North Carolina State University
Michael Zinn, University of Wisconsin - Madison